4 Things You Can Do to Avoid Septic Tank System Problems

Managing the wastewater created on a property which is not connected to a mains sewer pipe can require careful care and maintenance. If you do not learn to care for your septic tank, it is quite likely you will run into problems such as blockages and floods. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to avoid problems and deal with issues before they become serious.

Carry out regular maintenance

The majority of problems which arise with septic tanks occur because of poor maintenance. You should periodically ask a septic services company to drain the contents of the tank so that it can be cleaned. During normal operation, sediment can build up inside of your septic tank. If this buildup is not removed, it can reduce the capacity of the tank and can lead to blockages.

Keep an eye out for warning signs

If your septic tank has developed a problem, it will typically not fail immediately. First, it will display a number warning signs, such as a bad smell coming from your toilet, a slow flushing action, or waste backing up into your toilet.

Inspect the drain field

The drain field is designed to release water into the soil which surrounds the tank. The bacteria in the soil help to break down the waste contained within the effluent. However, if the drain field has become blocked or if it has been inserted at a point which is too deep under the ground, the water may not be able to have access to the bacteria and the oxygen needed for the process of purification to take place. This can cause a foul smell to rise up from the ground where the drain field is located. If you experience this problem, you should contact a professional sanitation contractor, who will be able to advise you on the condition of your drain field and its position and depth.

Consider the soil type

Finally, you should pay careful consideration to the type of soil in which your septic tank is located. If the earth is clay based, it vastly increases the chance that the components of the water treatment tank will become blocked. If you notice that your septic tank is not performing as it should be, you should contact a contractor who will be able to assess the soil type before offering further advice.

For more information, you should contact a professional sanitation company.
